1 Waterrat, Mono, Carino and Xylo are waiting along with the rest by Liseberg.
2 Carino, Xythenium, Xylo and Kissaki.
3 Kissaki, Kana and Mental outside Liseberg.
4 ... Danbala has the camera again ...
5 Kana, who is so drunk at this early stage that she's all fuzzy.
6 Mono, Wirble's nose, Sprudleglut, Mental's nose, Carino (who is, by the way, not smoking), Kissaki and Waterrat.
7 Woom and Tubbycat
8 Petal and Xythenium - really bright lads. :o)
9 Beer.
10 Petal, Xythenium, Woom, Tubbycat and, in the background, strange locals who seemed to be afraid of us.
11 Flatline, Gnillot, Danbala.
12 Ukko, Waterrat, Flatline, Iceman and Xythenium playing, Danbala, Wirble, Airk, Petal, Mono and Kissaki watching.
13 Mental, and Xythenium to the left, in action.
14 Waterrat, Mono and Xythenium are whacking things.
15 Wirble and Kana at the violent game, while Woom, Ukko, Mental and Flatline just hang out.
16 Danbala shooting.
17 Xythenium, Airk, Woom, Waterrat and Iceman at a round table.
18 Danbala and Mono.
19 Carino, Mental and Wirble.
20 Petal and Kissaki enjoying the rather pleasant afternoon.
21 A by now classic shot of Carino, Ukko and Mental, from a slightly different angle.
22 Airk, Mental, Xylo, Flatline, Petal, Ukko, Mono and Xythenium at Funny Hat Place.
23 Wirble, Woom, Danbala, Iceman, Waterrat, Carino and Kissaki at Funny Hat Place.
24 Rats.
25 Rats II
26 Waterrat, Carino and Kissaki.
27 Rats III
28 Iceman and Waterrat, the latter looking slightly troubled.
29 Waterrat, looking more troubled...
30 Waterrats!
31 Kissaki.
32 Kissaki again. (or Rats IV)
33 Waterrat, Carino, Kissaki. (Or Rats V)
34 Waterrat, Carino and Kissaki (Rats VI)
35 Danbala (Rats VII)
36 Rats VIII: A ratking!
37 Iceman, Waterrat and Mental, or Rats IX
38 Xythenium, Sprudleglut, Woom and Wirble.
39 Flatline and Airk.
40 Ukko, Xylo and Kana.
41 Kana, Gnillot and most of all a ... Table Decoration Thingy.
42 Rats X, or "OH NO NOT AGAIN!"
43 Airk, Xythenium (now in antenna-gear), a little Mono, Petal and Sprudleglut
44 Xythenium, Mono(ish), Petal and a red eye.
45 Woom, Wirble, Iceman, Kana and Mental
46 Woom, Wirble and Mental
47 Mono, Petal, Carino and Mental.
48 Petal, Sprudleglut, Woom, Wirble and Mental
49 Carino (who, of course, is still not smoking) and Xylo
50 Flatline, Airk and a very bright Petal in the foreground, Mono, Waterrat and Xythenium in the background.
51 Iceman and the Mysterious Floating Hat. Wirble's duly impressed.
52 Wirble, Iceman and Carino.
53 Mental and Woom, Wirble and Iceman watching. (Or boggling, rather)
54 _Mental_. _Really_.
55 Woom, Wirble, Iceman and of course Mental.
56 Same old, same old.
57 Carino
58 Mental
59 Xythenium and Carino
60 Airk, Flatline, Mono, Waterrat and Carino
61 Ukko, Kissaki, Xylo, Kana, Gnillot, Petal and Airk
62 Sprudleglut
63 Wirble, Iceman, Mental
64 Iceman, Kissaki, Kana, Gnillot
65 Most of us
66 Return of the Rats I
67 A bit of Ukko, Carino, Mental (now looking like an ant) and Woom.
68 Return of the Rats II
69 Return of the Rats III
70 Mental and Mono
71 Return of the Rats IV
72 Holy Wirble! (And Sleepy Sprudleglut)
of 72
Waterrat, Mono and Xythenium are whacking things.
Flatline just looks jealous. Whether of the whackers or whackees...
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