1 Xythenium lounging in the Wedo livingroom
2 Airk and Montin at the pool place. some weird posing going on there ...
3 Airk, Iceman and Montin, trying to figure out how a pool table works.
4 Flatline and Petal are working hard at looking like pool pros. Or not. :o)
5 The first awkward moment when we all gather at the same place...
6 Petal hypnotises the balls with his lazer eyes, while Flatline points and laughs.
7 Montin takes a shot while Flatline and Petal are distracted by ... something.
8 Gnillot shows the guys how it should be done.
9 Tubbycat is a bit fuzzy around the edges.
10 Carino tries to tell Gnillot, Tubbycat and Petal how pool should be played.
11 Flatline, Tubbycat and Petal seem to listen carefully to Carino's Words of Wisdom.
12 Iceman and Airk are asking Mono how he does that eye-trick.
13 Lotsa people!
14 Ukko looks unimpressed by whoever's currently playing.
15 Kana looks a bit sceptical, but at least she know where her camera is.
16 Flatline focuses so hard, his eye catches on fire.
17 Airk and Sprudleglut plays pool while Mono looks like he's playing Sankta Lucia with his beer.
18 Tubbycat shoots to kill.
19 Airk, Mono, Xythenium and Carino, and then a couple of really handsome dudes on the ledge on the wall.
20 Woom, Wirble, Waterrat, Ukko and Kissaki, all watching pool.
21 Petal, looking as if this whole pool thing is just way too much exercise.
22 Gnillot critically observes Iceman's technique.
23 Wirble, Mental, Airk and Woom propped up against a wall.
24 Time to leave the actual pool tables to get some food!
25 Carino, Xylo and a Xylonian extremity.
26 Montin looks like he really believes whatever it is Mental is saying.
27 Airk and Mono, Airk looking unproportionally happy.
28 Oh, at least we know Waterrat found the bar, then. .o)
29 Xythenium is just having a goood time.
30 Iceman displays his weird-ass thumb.
31 Kissaki turned off the lights.
32 Mental.
33 Mental, Danbala and Carino.
34 Woom and Tubbycat.
35 Gnillot and Wirble, looking cozy.
36 Xythenium, Mono, Iceman, Waterrat, Kana, Kissaki, Sprudleglut and a slice of Airk
37 Iceman, totally blocking the view of whoever's behind him, Xythenium, Mono and Waterrat.
38 Kana and Carino.
39 A bundle of thieves!
40 Happy, happy thieves!
41 Flatline, Kana, Kissaki, Carino and Petal.
42 Iceman and Xythenium, discussing something very, very serious.
43 Bits of Xythenium, Ukko and Flatline.
44 Ukko, Sprudleglut, Mental's shoulder and Carino.
45 Petal, Mono, Woom, Gnillot and Waterrat.
46 Ukko guards the bar.
of 46
Ukko looks unimpressed by whoever's currently playing.
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