This is not meant to be a complete news list, only general additions and overall changes, apart from a little of a history archive. If you think I missed something, let me know! I hope this list will be useful for people who haven't logged on for a while and want to see a little of what has changed. Dates are set year/month/day, the way I'm used to it ;-p
2005.09.19 - Inhume has been
expanded, including using instruments, and every spec has a unique way.
Check "help inhume" for more.
2005.09.02 - Sto Lat changed
and in a new shape, see last Sto Lat map
before the changes
2005.08.02 - A new village,
Bleak Prospects, added east of Scrogden in SUR. Beware zombies at night!
2005.08.02 - New coins in
Lancre: The Lancre tencrown and the Lancre hedgehog (which is worth 144
2005.08.01 - Lancre Town
now has a real estate office and housing is available
2005.07.31 - A new Warriors'
Guild spec, Duchess Saturday's Musketeers, has opened in Genua City
2005.07.30 - New additon
to the group command, see "group help request"
2005.07.20 - The portal/passage/flying
restriction between CWC and the rest of the Disc has been lifted
2005.07.18 - Major shield
was granted to Sek and Pishe, making it a general ritual to all gods
2005.07.15 - Skill checks
have been changed so that succeeding with a task is closer tied to your
actual skills, rather than to total randomness
2005.07.15 - Clay Lane, a
street in the southwest of A-M, has been renovated.
2005.07.07 - The Ephebe
and Tsort deserts were put in their right places, the Oasis is now to the
south of DJB
2005.06.29 - Criminal records
in Genua City have been wiped as a result of a change to the City Guards
2005.06.04 - You can now
edit your posts on the boards, it'll cost one post
2005.06.04 - Pishe gets
a new home in Ankh-Morpork, a water park located in the Apothecary Gardens
2005.06.04 - The Warriors'
Guild title ranges were changed and added was the ability to choose any
previous title when you hit the last one
2005.06.03 - The Priests'
Guild title ranges were changed and added was the ability to choose any
previous title when you hit the last one
2005.05.31 - The Thieves'
Guild got new and improved guild titles and the ability to choose any previous
title when you hit the last one
2005.05.30 - The village
of Escrow was the first "real place" to make it into the game in the terrains
in the Uberwald area
2005.03.24 - The first sightings
of the Nac Mac Feegle, on a small island north of BlackGlass, were reported
on this day
2005.02.26 - Due to
a bug, skill checks were not taking abilities into account as much as intended.
You may find some things easier and some things harder
2005.01.06 - Kill now has
a moments delay, so you cannot use an alias like "kill $*$; <special>
$*$ with weapon" unless it lags a lot...
2004.11.29 - Wimpy has been
changed to be safer
2004.11.22 - The in-game
maps you can buy have been tweaked. For one, you may now tm ot.di, as "consult"
use other gp
2004.11.05 - The Ramtops
Area is now a terrain, like the Surroundings. See the last
Ramtops map before the terrains
2004.11.02 - Xp rates changed:
Both up and down for npcs, up for guild commands and up for non-guild command
2004.10.31 - You may now
switch gender when using refresh
2004.10.08 - The "map" command
now works in cities as well as in terrain
2004.10.08 - When walking
in terrain you can now see a small map together with the regular look,
if you switch on "options output lookmap"
2004.09.14 - Crystal Balls
"switched off" - no longer usable to scry with
2004.09.10 - New command
for witches, "squint", with various effects. Learn it from Millie Hopgood
2004.08.26 - The Dysk, the
glorious opera house of Ankh-Morpork situated on the Isle of Gods, was
added to the game
2004.08.26 - New rules for
Player Shops: You lease it for a period of 2 Discworld years and then it
goes to auction again
2004.08.25 - Trading
Gods - Followers of Gods may now switch gods, but not easily
2004.08.21 - A few new villages
added to the Ramtops.
2004.08.13 - Assassin
specialisations introduced - Assassins in AM, the Hashishim in Klatch,
Ninjas in CWC and the Mano Rossa in Genua
2004.08.13 - Genua City
made it into the game!
2004.08.04 - Rituals
for non-priests - Changed for most gods and all have different now
2004.07.24 - The Bes Pelargic
Wizards' Guild has grown with new things and new spells
2004.07.08 - Old style wards
were removed.
2004.06.xx - The spell JPCT
(portal) is harder and the fail of misportalling is back again!
2004.05.13 - The Ramtops
area has been updated and a few things added. See the last old version
2004.04.xx - New command
"bandage" for use with crafts.medicine.firstaid. You may tear clothing
to get strips to bandage with.
2004.04.12 - Magical Artefacts
now use magic guild points. If you have little magic gp, be aware.
2004.04.12 - Priest npcs
in AM are now "real priests" - they use rituals.
2004.04.03 - The watch command
now works much like sneak, with three levels and active gp drain.
2004.04.02 - Red staves
were downgraped
2004.03.31 - Other.perception
may now help you see a little in marginal light conditions.
2004.03.18 - The xp return
for teaching now varies, with 10% seemingly the max. It can also use gp
and tm.
2004.02.25 - Khot-lip-khin
was removed and replaced with Djelibeybi. See the last map of KLK here.
2004.02.23 - Blue crystal
rings were altered. Where you end up is no longer sure.
2004.02.13 - The damage
weapons suffer against trolls and trees have been lowered, but some blunt
weapons will damage now.
2004.02.08 - Fighting
tree change - A new skill tree for fighting, Warrior Specializations
& More!
2004.01.15 - Mr. Rendtnor
no longer fixes jewellery for free.
2004.01.xx - Minor changes
to AM around Short Street and SOSG. Sandelfons' Temple moved northeast
on SOSG.
2003.10.xx - Command xp
is up and some kill xp is down.
2003.10.xx - New command,
pursue, to use with the skills other.movement.following.evade/pursuit.
2003.08.15 - Bois, a little
village near Genua, is introduced.
2003.08.13 - New skills,
likely to be used with follow and lose: other.movement.following.evade/pursuit
2003.08.01 - A new option
for roleplayers, 'options personal roleplaying = on/off'. Read "help roleplaying".
2003.07.25 - Score stats
now shows how a stat is changed, e.g. "Constitution ... 13 (3)" (normal
con 10).
2003.07.15 - The code for
the small turquoise vials (healing) were finally removed from the game,
as Terano promised :-(
2003.06.xx - All shops now
have a safe. Safecrackers, have fun!
2003.06.xx - Backstab and
ambush now rely on melee skills to hit, so you can succeed at surprising
but get 0 hits.
2003.06.xx - The difficulty
of rituals are now affected by things like your location and when you last
2003.06.xx - New command:
'appraise' - Use it to check the size and composition of items.
2003.04.21 - New wards system/rituals.
You now imbue items with rituals that will go off when stolen.
2003.04.xx - You can no
longer set wimpy higher then 30%, due to some people abusing 100% wimpy.
2003.03.27 - Top Ten Tables
are removed from the game. I'll miss them, a lot :-(
2002.08.03 - The
Uberdowngrape - Some stuff about the big change that took place on
August 3rd, in 2002
2002.06.xx - Creator Collector
Cards added
2002.02.xx - CWC added to
the MUD (on a Thursday...)
1999.07.09 - The
Cut - Some stuff about the 'Skills Cut' that took place the 9-10 July
in 1999
1999.03.xx - My
first page - Some stuff from a when I started this page
1999.01.23 - Results of
the first ever MUD Osrics, hosted by Threed/Strychnine
1998.08.03 - Airk first
logs on to the Discworld MUD! ;-)
I wish I had started playing
earlier so that I'd have even more of the old stuff to show. I would really,
really, really like older maps if anyone has any please! If you have any
other old info or suggestions, email/mudmail/tell me!
My first maps were basicly just altered copies of Choppy's maps. I had emailed and asked Choppy about it and he was fine with it as long as I gave him credit. I reworked my maps completely since then, but I still like to credit him on all his great work. Have a look at my first Ankh-Morpork, from March 1999.
There was a cut in skills around the 9-10 July in 1999, which was announced beforehand. We got a command called "newskills" that let us see what our new skills were most likely to look like. The result was that everyone had all their skills lowered and the cost of advancing in the guilds were increased. To get to know more about the reasons for the cut and how it was done, have a read of what Cereshas written on his own page.
Maps from around this time:
Ankh-Morpork >< Sto Plains and further Hubwards >< Klatch
Top Ten boards in all guilds from July 1999:
High Score Table: Assassins' Guild
Sorted by rating
-=- Fri Jul 9 14:55:29
1999 -=-
1. Lolita
: level 627 86D
2. Karek
: level 514 93D
3. Landis
: level 438 68D
4. Toushin
: level 414 65D
5. Khan
: level 420 65D
6. Insidius
: level 245 86D
7. Huma
: level 364 63D
8. Ukko
: level 319 74D
9. Janus
: level 348 52D
10. Pip
: level 330 39D
High Score Table: Priests' Guild
Sorted by rating
-=- Fri Jul 9 15:06:56
1999 -=-
1. Yukk
: level 1005 285D
2. Moloch
: level 603 134D
3. Brighid
: level 597 132D
4. Cadderly
: level 544 130D
5. Thoin
: level 664 114D
6. Brindle
: level 670 120D
7. Ocdt
: level 622 92D
8. Yves
: level 488 104D
9. Kissaki
: level 415 99D
10. Latazum
: level 477 75D
High Score Table: Thieves' Guild
Sorted by rating
-=- Fri Jul 9 14:54:16
1999 -=-
1. Scarlett
: level 553 187D
2. Midian
: level 557 138D
3. Raigna
: level 609 121D
4. Desparil
: level 442 128D
5. Pyretic
: level 393 120D
6. Fingil
: level 458 88D
7. Pepsi
: level 391 104D
8. Venger
: level 312 87D
9. Emily
: level 316 80D
10. Harbringer : level
321 76D
High Score Table: Warriors' Guild
Sorted by rating
-=- Fri Jul 9 14:46:31
1999 -=-
1. Lanfear
: level 763 210D
2. Jakka
: level 803 190D
3. Klahn
: level 674 126D
4. Balwog
: level 631 121D
5. Arielle
: level 422 124D
6. Vip
: level 342 151D
7. Silvara
: level 422 109D
8. Mactruck
: level 473 79D
9. Shara
: level 480 80D
10. Elessar
: level 452 75D
High Score Table: Witches' Guild
Sorted by rating
-=- Fri Jul 9 17:12:52
1999 -=-
1. Hufte
: level 434 102D
2. Dlsss
: level 365 96D
3. Aerin
: level 359 84D
4. Carpanag
: level 340 71D
5. Siel
: level 312 63D
6. Quece
: level 291 71D
7. Rae
: level 300 50D
8. Ibblek
: level 272 57D
9. Nifty
: level 283 70D
10. Harri
: level 246 60D
High Score Table: Wizards' Guild
Sorted by rating
-=- Fri Jul 9 17:14:18
1999 -=-
1. Avon
: level 678 179D
2. Belcar
: level 537 131D
3. Talen
: level 616 113D
4. Alumwhistle : level
523 131D
5. Candlewhiff : level
391 136D
6. Blackheart :
level 548 100D
7. Aiwendil
: level 507 94D
8. Griffin
: level 361 106D
9. Falkentyne :
level 500 79D
10. Erin
: level 434 91D
Main 'top ten':
Top ten - Sorted by rating.
1.Yukk (priest): level 1005,
2.Lanfear (warrior): level 763,
3.Jakka (warrior): level 803,
4.Avon (wizard): level 678,
5.Scarlett (thief): level 553,
6.Midian (thief): level 557,
7.Klahn (warrior): level 674,
8.Belcar (wizard): level 537,
9.Raigna (thief): level 609,
10.Talen (wizard): level 616, 113D.
11.Moloch (priest): level 603, 134D.
12.Balwog (warrior): level 630, 121D.
13.Alumwhistle (wizard): level 523,
14.Brighid (priest): level 597, 131D.
15.Cadderly (priest): level 544, 130D.
Here is Airk's skills
before and after 'the Cut', as an example:
> skills
====SKILLS=======Level/Bonus==== covert.............. 67 198 | stealth........... 55 189 | | inside.......... 62 196 | | outside......... 52 186 | | underwater...... 52 186 | hiding............ 52 174 | | person.......... 52 174 | | object.......... 52 174 | lockpick.......... 107 194 | | doors........... 131 207 | | safes........... 68 175 | | traps........... 123 203 | manipulation...... 52 186 | | palming......... 52 186 | | passing......... 52 186 | | sleight-of-hand. 52 186 | | stealing........ 54 188 | casing............ 52 153 | | person.......... 52 153 | | place........... 52 153 | items............. 52 163 | | poisons......... 53 164 | | traps........... 52 163 | | weapons......... 52 163 | points............ 100 191 crafts.............. 53
faith............... 122 161
fighting............ 413 408
magic............... 52
other............... -
> skills
====SKILLS=======Level/Bonus=== covert.............. 63 196 | stealth........... 53 187 | | inside.......... 59 194 | | outside......... 50 184 | | underwater...... 50 184 | hiding............ 50 172 | | person.......... 50 172 | | object.......... 50 172 | lockpick.......... 98 190 | | doors........... 119 200 | | safes........... 65 173 | | traps........... 112 197 | manipulation...... 50 184 | | palming......... 50 184 | | passing......... 50 184 | | sleight-of-hand. 50 184 | | stealing........ 52 186 | casing............ 50 151 | | person.......... 50 151 | | place........... 50 151 | items............. 50 161 | | poisons......... 51 162 | | traps........... 50 161 | | weapons......... 50 161 | points............ 93 187 crafts.............. 50
faith............... 109 156
fighting............ 308 346
magic............... 50
other............... -
We were informed of the change quite early:
Note #8 posted at Wed May 29 Title: "uberdowngrape"
On August the 3rd we will be implementing some major changes on Discworld. This is just a pre-warning. Some of the main things that will be changed are:
* New combat system
* Using skill against
skill tests
* Rewritten (and
new) specials
* Configurable HP
monitor speed
* New tactics:
* Extra offense/defense settings, focus on body location
* Defend (like protect
but you only parry for them)
* Two-handed weapons
can be held in a single hand
* Standardised weapons
& armour
* New magical shielding
* Defensive spells
& rituals rewritten
* New am map and layout
* A complete (not
finished, just complete) AM at last!
* New sur map and layout
* Allowing people to start in
new cities
* Resetting peoples pk status
* Allowing another rearrange
* Adding in some craft related
* Some means about
a hundred!
* Changing the skill/stat relationship
This will be a major upgrade of a lot of elements of the code. Things will likely be very chatotic for a little bit around this time. So if you want to go on holiday you know when to choose ;)
Good luck!
Then just a few days before
the change, Ceres made a more complete description of the changes:
(Note that
all of this may not have been implemented the way it was thought, or at
Note #10 by Ceres at Wed Jul 31 13:55:39
2002 on board announcements
As August 3rd approaches we are solidifying the details of what will change so here is some more information.
It is _extremely_ important to understand that on August 3rd any number of things may be broken or simply unbalanced. We know that many things will need rebalancing (mostly NPCs downgrading and commands, spells & rituals being made easier).
What's changing?
- Skill tree
We're moving certain skills around
and adding a _lot_ of crafts skills. There won't immediately be any
use for these new craft skills, however they are important for the development
of the crafts system. Without the skill tree it becomes really hard to
abstract the stages of crafting.
- Skill/stat relationships
The relationship between skills &
stats is changing substantially. Currently many skills depend on a single
stat. If you've ever played any RPGs you'll have noticed that RPGs don't
tend to do this at all. The reason is that it causes individual stats to
become far too important for a given character type (or class). We have
seen the same thing here on DW.
The advantage of a 23 Int to a wizard (for example) is so overwhelming that there is practically no other choice. The point of these changes is to narrow the gap between an extreme and a more generalist rearrange so that players have a real choice that they don't currently have.
Clearly this change is going to seriously change the balance of abilities and we know that we're going to need to make many spells, rituals, commands and npcs much easier!
I can't stress this enough. The point of these changes is not to decrease peoples abilities. We will change things to suit the new bonuses that are achievable.
- Stat/bonus relationship
The stat to bonus relationship is
becoming non-linear. This works with the skill/stat relationships to make
less extreme rearranges more appealing. Because of the non-linear relationship
rearrange will allow players to rearrange up to 28 if they so desire. Even
though I expect most won't want to go that far the choice is there.
The balance point for the change is 15. Stats above 15 will give less bonus than before while stats below 15 (ie. the majority) will give a greater bonus than before.
- Magical defense system
There's a new system that allows magical
shields to register with the armour system rather than shadowing query_ac().
This has two advantages. Firstly it does without shadows (which helps performance)
and secondly it allows shields to register as being outside of armour (that's
what shadowing did) but alternatively to register as being _inside_ armour
(just above the skin) which is far more logical for the troll skin armour
for example.
- Combat system
The current combat system code is
horrendous (just ask anyone who's tried working on it). It was written
in 1995 by a physicist. Since then it has been hacked about, modified and
upgraded and is now a nightmare. The new one started as a code tidyup and
turned into a total rewrite.
The new system is based on a different approach to the old one. Each attack is done as a skill against skill test rather than as an attack skill check then a defense skill check.
This means that the new system is rather more sensitive to relative skills. A player with a 200 offensive bonus is unlikely to get past the defenses of an NPC with a 1000 defensive bonus regardless of how many negative modifiers the NPC has.
We will, therefore, need to downgrade some of the NPCs who've been given extreme levels to compensate for issues with the current system. In addition we will increase the death XP (probably doubling it) given by NPCs to compensate for their being more difficult level for level.
The combat system has some nice new
features too.
+ more interesting damage messages
+ more offense & defense
+ variable rate hp monitor
+ verbosity control for third-party
combat messages
+ ability to focus on (target)
specific body parts
+ ability to hold two-handed
weapons in a single hand
+ new specials: feint, shove
& trip (more to come :)
+ specials can be queued
+ defend as well as protect
(defend means you'll parry for someone but you won't take a hit for them)
+ many more factors affect combat:
strength, dexterity, visibility, light levels, encumberance, injury, number
of weapons wielded, weapon weight, relative weights of offensive &
defensive weapon (or shield) and many more.
The new combat system does not implement
new ranged or unarmed combat. These will (I hope) follow once the new system
is bedded down and working nicely. Apart from the goodies listed above
the new system is far better in its structure, documentation and flexibility.
Each stage of combat is clearly separated out and documented. The system
for combat
specials allows any and all stages
of combat to be overridden or augmented, both offensively and defensively,
providing far greater flexibility in specials e.g. feint, trip and shove.
As a truly extreme example, The floating shield spell now works as a defensive
special! In addition the new structure should make adding critical success
& failure (injuries), combat on horses and other future enhancements
much easier to implement.
- Specials
The new combat system features new
specials. Many of them have the same names as the existing ones but they
are, like the combat system, completely new -- only the name has been unchanged
to confuse the guilty (or something :).
Which specials can be used is determined by the weapons attacks. Their difficulty and damage values are similarly dependent on the skill of the user and the weapons attacks thus none of the standard combat specials are any more, or less, powerful than any other, it all depends on the weapon.
- Weapons
Weapons have been rebalanced and standardised
so that they should have much more suitable weights, lengths, materials
& damages.
In addition the weapons have been given
standard attack names that correspond to the new specials :-
stab - light piercing
pierce - heavy piercing weapons
bash - light blunt weapons
smash - heavy blunt weapons
slash - light sharp
slice - heavy sharp
hack - light axes (sharp
still but axes rather than bladed weapons)
chop - heavy axes
impale, behead, crush & cleave are warrior only. They are basically the same as pierce, smash, slice & chop but do a tad more damage and have some nifty side-effects if you kill your opponent. In due course we may implement more guild-specific attacks like this that feature messages and perhaps side-effects that fit more closely to a guilds theme.
- Armours
All the armours have been reworked
to be more balanced and more consistent (ie. heavier armour tends to stop
more damage than lighter armour!).
- Carrying capacity
Players are now limited to 10 'carried'
items. Originally it was 5 + Dex but that was set back when the only carryable
container was a small chest. Now that we have backpacks, sacks, clothing
with pockets and containers of all sizes and descriptions it makes sense
to reduce the limit a little to help avoid massive packratting leading
to performance problems.
- Stats
All bonus statistics given out by
quests will be removed. In addition players will receive a second rearrange
so that they can apply their stats to the new skill/stat relationships
and the (possibly) reduced stats.
- PK Flag removal
The changes are so extreme that we
felt it's the right time to remove all players PK flags (except Assassins
and those in the PK wizard order) so that players can make a choice once
they see how the game works.
- Wizard scrolls
Keeping large numbers of these in
your inventory may lead to their exploding depending on your magic.spells.special
bonus. Players should be aware that leaving large numbers of scrolls in
other containers (such as vaults) may also lead to their exploding.
- Starting Position, Nationality and Region
Players will get to choose a nationality
and region. These will affect language with the 'common' language going
- New AM
What can I say? AM has been completely
reworked. The sometimes old, sometimes even pre-Discworld code has been
taken away and replaced with shiny new code, exciting terrains and a complete
AM. Not complete as in finished, there's much more to do and far more to
add, but complete as in you can walk around the whole city, across all
the bridges etc. etc.)
- Sur terrains
We're filling in the blanks. Gradually
all the gaps between the different cities are being filled with terrains
that allow you to explore in great depth or journey across them quickly.
This change will add the Sur terrains to the game.
The Plan(TM)
Around 10am Seattle time we'll shutdown the
mud and bring it back up creator-only. Once we've got all the changes in
place we'll enable player logins and start fixing all the bugs and other
problems that you find for us :)
Here are my final maps before the changes (including the first CWC map, which was re-aligned a little earlier):
Ankh-Morpork >< Sto Plains and further Hubwards >< Sto Lat >< Klatch >< Counter Weight Continent
Top Ten boards in all
guilds from August 2002:
(Note that
a player will drop off the board if they are inactive for a few days)
High Score Table: Assassins'
Sorted by rating
-=- Sat Aug 3 08:46:09
2002 -=-
1. Kitiana
: level 338 234D
2. Fayte
: level 346 186D
3. Ukko
: level 306 179D
4. Skyhigh
: level 306 148D
5. Vermillion :
level 316 145D
6. Insidius
: level 266 126D
7. Seethe
: level 304 110D
8. Shinobi
: level 304 129D
9. Rumatha
: level 291 113D
10. Toushin
: level 340 91D
High Score Table: Priests'
Sorted by rating
-=- Sat Aug 3 08:30:18
2002 -=-
1. Ocdt
: level 420 243D
2. Thoin
: level 440 219D
3. Genesis
: level 400 222D
4. Nyanjen
: level 320 236D
5. Tarzan
: level 328 198D
6. Brindle
: level 437 160D
7. Hurukan
: level 280 185D
8. Kissaki
: level 335 163D
9. Poggin
: level 311 170D
10. Warrax
: level 351 197D
High Score Table: Thieves'
Sorted by rating
-=- Sat Aug 3 08:32:21
2002 -=-
1. Midian
: level 409 274D
2. Desparil
: level 349 268D
3. Cold
: level 377 235D
4. Matrim
: level 301 207D
5. Hinge
: level 305 208D
6. Raigna
: level 410 125D
7. Dantheman
: level 329 146D
8. Eldric
: level 245 173D
9. Mimer
: level 283 159D
10. Serenity
: level 349 139D
High Score Table: Warriors'
Sorted by rating
-=- Sat Aug 3 09:45:10
2002 -=-
1. Silvara
: level 398 260D
2. Balwog
: level 427 216D
3. Rondros
: level 385 184D
4. Ximthea
: level 335 257D
5. Darien
: level 339 228D
6. Shara
: level 403 178D
7. Glennridge :
level 340 164D
8. Taboo
: level 333 154D
9. Fraze
: level 304 205D
10. Klahn
: level 435 132D
High Score Table:
Witches' Guild
Sorted by rating
-=- Sat Aug 3 08:34:07
2002 -=-
1. Ibblek
: level 344 273D
2. Hufte
: level 347 147D
3. Miki
: level 301 146D
4. Aalizjiane :
level 311 108D
5. Megarodan
: level 99 320D
6. Asherah
: level 312 105D
7. Myre
: level 305 88D
8. Medea
: level 260 106D
9. Katia
: level 291 92D
10. Kaytriz
: level 267 75D
High Score Table: Wizards'
Sorted by rating
-=- Sat Aug 3 08:36:20
2002 -=-
1. Braindeed
: level 400 278D
2. Sekiri
: level 376 197D
3. Nif
: level 360 157D
4. Ecthelion
: level 400 155D
5. Haplo
: level 329 173D
6. Baines
: level 236 208D
7. Greygrene
: level 365 245D
8. Siren
: level 329 137D
9. Reizak
: level 335 143D
10. Erin
: level 329 135D
Main 'top ten':
Sorted by rating.
1.Midian (thief):
level 409, 274D.
2.Braindeed (wizard): level
400, 278D.
3.Ocdt (priest):
level 420, 243D.
4.Silvara (warrior): level
398, 260D.
5.Ibblek (witch):
level 344, 273D.
6.Thoin (priest):
level 440, 219D.
7.Balwog (warrior):
level 427, 216D.
8.Desparil (thief):
level 349, 268D.
9.Cold (thief):
level 377, 235D.
10.Genesis (priest): level
400, 222D.
11.Rondros (warrior): level
385, 184D.
12.Kitiana (assassin): level 338,
13.Sekiri (wizard):
level 376, 197D.
14.Ximthea (warrior): level
335, 257D.
15.Matrim (thief):
level 301, 207D.
I have saved some help files and logged some fights here, so that differences may be seen with how it used to look. Might not be the best examples, but just in case of interest.
The old crafts and other skill tree:
> skills crafts
smithing | | armour
pottery materials
| gold
carpentry | forming
| tanning
| silver | furniture
| | throwing | weaving
| black | coopering
| | shaping | spinning
| | tools | turning
| glazing points
| | weapons | whittling
| firing
> skills other
tracking | rope
| armour | | written
swimming valueing
perception | djelian
riding | gems
direction | | spoken
| horse | jewellery
health | | written
| camel | weapons
points | common
climbing | armour
language | | spoken
| tree evaluating
| agatean | | written
| rock | weapons
| | spoken
The previous skill/stat relationships:
The way skills depends on
stats were changed quite a bit in some skills, while not at all in others.
I won't show you how it works today, but here are some tables on how they
worked before the change.
| stealth | | inside......... | | outside........ | | underwater..... | hiding | | person......... | | object......... | lockpick | | doors.......... | | safes.......... | | traps.......... | manipulation | | palming........ | | passing........ | | sleight-of-hand | | stealing....... | casing | | person......... | | place.......... | items | | poisons........ | | traps.......... | | weapons........ | points........... |
- - -
5 5 4
- - 1
- - -
- - -
| smithing | | gold........... | | silver......... | | black | | | tools........ | | | weapons...... | | | armour....... | carpentry | | furniture...... | | coopering...... | | turning........ | | whittling...... | pottery | | forming | | | throwing..... | | | shaping...... | | glazing........ | | firing......... | materials | | tanning........ | | weaving........ | | spinning....... | points........... |
- -
2 1
2 1
- 2
1 1
| rituals | | offensive | | | area......... | | | target....... | | defensive | | | area......... | | | self......... | | | target....... | | curing | | | self......... | | | target....... | | misc | | | area......... | | | self......... | | | target....... | | special........ | items | | rod............ | | scroll......... | points........... |
| combat | | melee | | | sharp........ | | | pierce....... | | | blunt........ | | | unarmed...... | | range | | | thrown....... | | | fired........ | | parry | | | melee........ | | | range........ | | dodging | | | melee........ | | | range........ | | special | | | weapon....... | | | unarmed...... | | | tactics...... | points........... |
| spells | | offensive...... | | defensive...... | | misc........... | | special........ | methods | | elemental | | | air.......... | | | earth........ | | | fire......... | | | water........ | | mental | | | animating.... | | | channeling... | | | charming..... | | | convoking.... | | | cursing...... | | physical | | | binding...... | | | brewing...... | | | chanting..... | | | dancing...... | | | enchanting... | | | evoking...... | | | healing...... | | | scrying...... | | spiritual | | | abjuring..... | | | banishing.... | | | conjuring.... | | | divining..... | | | summoning.... | items | | held | | | wand......... | | | rod.......... | | | staff........ | | | broom........ | | worn | | | amulet....... | | | ring......... | | scroll......... | | talisman....... | points........... |
- - - -
- - - -
5 5 5 5
- - - -
- - - -
| tracking......... | swimming......... | riding | | horse.......... | | camel.......... | climbing | | tree........... | | rock........... | | rope........... | valueing | | gems........... | | jewellery...... | | weapons........ | | armour......... | evaluating | | weapons........ | | armour......... | perception....... | direction........ | health........... | points........... |
2 -
1 2
- 1
2 2
- -
Original page:
My original page about the changes was put up as help at the same time as the changes cam into the game, on February 8 in 2004. It has copies of the posts made by Ceres and Trilogy, as well as other info. If you haven't logged on since that change, look at this first. I'll keep it around for now, but I might integrate it fully into this page at some point.
Summary of the changes:
1. There was a new fighting skill tree
2. Warriors got specializations (see Warriors'
3. Weapons and armour were changed and given new
4. New skills, other.teaching.xx and crafts.medicine.xx,
were introduced
The old and new fighting skill tree:
combat.............. | | thrown..........
| | range...........
| melee............. | | fired...........
| special...........
| | sharp........... | parry.............
| | weapon..........
| | pierce.......... | | melee...........
| | unarmed.........
| | blunt........... | | range...........
| | tactics.........
| | unarmed......... | dodging...........
| range............. | | melee...........
melee............... range...............
| blocking..........
| dagger............ | thrown............
| dodging...........
| sword............. | bow...............
| heavy-sword....... | fired.............
| weapon............
| axe............... unarmed.............
| unarmed...........
| mace.............. | striking..........
| tactics...........
| flail............. | grappling.........
| mounted...........
| polearm........... defence.............
| misc.............. | parrying..........
The old primaries:
The Warriors' Guild used to have the following as primary skills:
* fighting.combat.melee.pierce
* fighting.combat.melee.blunt
* fighting.combat.melee.unarmed
* fighting.combat.range.thrown
* fighting.combat.range.fired
* fighting.combat.parry.melee
* fighting.combat.parry.range
* fighting.combat.dodging.melee
* fighting.combat.dodging.range
* fighting.combat.special.weapon
* fighting.combat.special.unarmed
* fighting.points
* other.evaluating.weapons
* other.evaluating.armour
Assassins used to have fighting.combat.melee.pierce
(now and fighting.combat.dodging.melee (now
Muggers (Thief) used to to have
(now and fighting.combat.melee.blunt (now
Cutpurses (Thief) used to have fighting.combat.melee.pierce
Smuggler (Thief) used to have
Look at the Guild Guide for current primary lists for all guilds and their specializations.
Teaching skills:
With the introduction of six new other.teaching.covert/crafts/faith/fighting/magic/other, teaching is no longer the same. Yout teaching bonus is no longer the bonus of the skill in question, but the average of that skill and the relevant ot.te.xx skill. If you have a bonus of 300 in ot.he and 100 in ot.te.other, your effective teaching bonus will be 200. Also, the effective teaching skill can't be more than twice the bonus of the taught skill. As always, the person learning needs a lower bonus to learn.
Every non-priest who worshipped a god used to get "cure light wounds" and "calm", except Sek with "cure light wounds" and "light". This was changed in August 2004. Soon after e also got the ability to be able to switch gods. Here are the two posts announcing the changes:
Elera's NEWS item about the ritual change:
Latest News
Posted at Tue Aug 3 Title: Worshipper Rituals
The rituals awarded to non-priest worshippers of the gods have
been changed to provide more variety and better reflect the nature of the
deities. Worshipper rituals are now as follows:
Sek: light and parch
Hat: dark sight and warm
Fish: splash and breathe underwater
Sandelfon: calm and detect alignment
Gapp: mend and cool
Gufnork: summon fluff and cure light
You may visit an instructor in service of the deity you worship to learn the new rituals.
Elera's post about about "trading gods":
Trading Gods
Note #30 by Elera at Mon Aug 23 15:56:24 2004 on board frog
It is now possible for worshippers (not priests) to change the
deity they worship. Changing deities is meant to be a tedious and lengthy
process, to discourage church jumping and realistically reflect the time
it takes for a person's beliefs to change.
* The worshipper must first renounce their faith, with 'renounce
faith' at a high altar.
* The supplicant must 'supplicate' at the appropriate altar to
begin the supplication process.
* The supplicant must supplicate at the appropriate altar at least
once every 2 hours spent online
* The supplicant must be in the proper alignment when supplicating.
* The supplicant must supplicate a minimum of 60 times.
* A minimum of 30 round world days must elapse between the time
of initial or restarted supplication and the time at which the supplicant
becomes a member of the church.
* A minimum of 5 days of online time must elapse before becoming
a member of the church.
If the supplicant takes too long between supplications, the process will start over from the beginning. If the supplicant wishes to cease supplicating a deity, 'renounce faith' will allow them to do so. Once a person leaves a church, they can only rejoin that church or another via supplication. Initial choosing of a deity will be the same as always. Though you can supplicate more frequently than every two hours without penalty, it is not rewarded in any manner, so spamming is not profitable.
These details are covered in the help file for the high altars. You can read it with 'help altar' in the room with one. If your altar has a different name (plinth, stone, etc), you will need to use 'help plinth' etc.
PS - Big fluffs to Airk, Lanfear, Sined, Igorken, and Katata for
all of the enthusiastic playtesting :)
Thanks to Sined for a copy of the post, which had
scrolled off the Frog board with not even a follow-up left in just a few
the top
Just a copy of Starr's post on the Assassins's Board, it says it all best:
Very Important Announcement
Note #15 by Starr at Fri Aug 13 04:58:25 2004 on board assassinsguild
The Assassins Guild varies from place to place. From the carefully cultured exterior of the Ankh-Morpork Guild to the mystical killers from Klatch. While the basic premise of killing people for money exists everywhere, how they go about it and the attitudes of the various guilds is very different.
Thus the Assassins’ Guilds Creators committee presents: Assassin Specialisations.
With the introduction of Genua, there are four specialisations, each based on a major area on the Discworld.
Ankh-Morpork :
The Ankh-Morpork Assassins are clearly defined from the books and
also the Assassins Guild diary. They are men (and recently women) of style
and class who would never do anything as crass as kill someone without
payment. They specialize in poisons of all kinds, and of course, traditional
Their Guild is located on Filigree Street in Ankh-Morpork.
Power Structure:
One Guild Master (or Mistress) and six House Masters, each in charge
of their own House.
Klatch is where the original Assassins came from, otherwise known
as Hashishim. More rough and ready than their Ankh-Morpork compatriots,
they however have excellent fighting skills, and can seamlessly slip away
into the desert.
They can be found in a hidden guild located in the cliffs to the west of Djelibeybi.
Power Structure:
One Lord/Lady of the Mountain and one Malik Iman (spiritual advisor,
or Assistant GM).
The Ninja of Agatea value honour highly and would rather die than
live without honour. They respect and are knowledgeable of Agatean culture.
They can align themselves with a particular family and be used for interfamily
"dealings" (or they will when the families are finished).
They are found in Silk Lane in Bes-Pelargic.
Power Structure:
One Sensei as well as two Mentors (one female, one male - both
appointed by the Sensei).
Since the AM Assassin branch left during Lilith's reign, in the
stability that followed her death there was a hole in Genuan society for
contract killers. A group of hitmen broke off from the Coffee Nostra and
calling themselves the ‘Mano Rossa’, or ‘Red Hands’ they formed the Guild
in Genua.
Their headquarters are in the old mansion that Ella grew up in on Dauphin Street in Genua; she gifted it to them to start their fledgling guild since she realised that all good cities need a way of removing unsightly ideas from society.
Power Structure:
One Don, two Tenantes (both appointed by the Don)
When you first log in, you will be an ‘Undecided Assassin’. To join a spec, you just go to the guildhouse in the proper area, and join.
Like the warriors, when you join a specialisation your current primaries will be mapped to the new primaries.
These are:
Stays the same.
fighting.range.fired will swap with fighting.melee.sword
covert.lockpick.traps will swap with covert.hiding.object
covert.items.traps will swap with other.movement.riding.camel
covert.items.poisons will swap with covert.casing.person
fighting.melee.dagger will swap with fighting.melee.sword
fighting.range.thrown will swap with fighting.unarmed.striking
other.movement.climbing.rock will swap with other.culture.agatean
covert.items.traps will swap with covert.manipulation.sleight-of-hand
fighting.range.fired will swap with fighting.unarmed.grappling
other.movement.climbing.rope will swap with other.movement.climbing.tree
covert.items.poisons will swap with covert.casing.person
THE RUN (and equivalents)
When you join a spec you will be unable to look at the book until you complete the test that each guild has. They vary in difficulty, but are all very different and in-theme to the area.
Even if you re-join the AM Assassins, you will have to re-pass the Run. Think of this as a wonderful ability to do the run again, which a lot of you have asked for!
Regarding playerkilling, you will still be the same status you were before the specs were introduced.
However, for newer people and current undergrads, the usual rules apply, where you must pass the ‘test’ in each guild before you become a PK.
The Ninja spec is different however, when you will go PK and learn the inhume command when you reach level 50.
Only NPC contracts will able to be closed until you pass the Ninja
test, when you can then close PK contracts.
The GM for each spec can choose who can look at their book. For example, the Hashishim GM can choose to let the Ninjas look at the Hashishim book. This means that the Assassins and the Mano Rossa cannot. This does not work both ways.
You can however for example as a Ninja travel to AM to complete a Ninja contract, there is no restriction on where you can inhume.
As soon as enough of you have specialised and reached the voting requirements, we will be holding GM elections. Until then, you can only look at the book of your spec.
The GMs can also choose to mark certain areas of their Guildhouses off limits to different specs.
There will be four different charters, one for each spec that the
GM can set.
There you have it!